Join Palm Coast’s fastest-growing & most fun soccer community!
Build confidence with encouraging coaches in a family-friendly environment:
Teams for ages 5 - 15+
Age & skill-level appropriate teams
Introductory & Competitive levels of play
Friday Night Soccer gives the weekend back to our families
Out of the heat & under the lights!
Elevate your Athletes with iU
Friday Night Soccer
Friday Night Soccer is our “in-house” small-sided soccer league.
By focusing on the foundations & lessening the number of players on the field, we help young players build the confidence needed to gain technical skills while falling in love with the sport.
All levels of play — from intro to competitive — compete in fast-paced games on small fields… out of the heat & under the lights!
All are welcome!
Friday Night Soccer provides a solid introduction to soccer for ages 5 - 15 (U6 - U16).
Season fees = $150
Includes practice & game jersey
$15 off - during early registration
iU Academy
Designed to bridge the gap between Friday Night Soccer’s competitive league & iU Premier travel teams, iU Academy offers developing athletes the training and experience necessary for mastery of soccer at the highest levels of play.
iU Academy offers progressive training for highly motivated players ages 6 - 11 (U8 - U12). We focus on developing technical skills while instilling a love of the game required for future success.
Academy players are evaluated & invited to compete in this development-focused league.
iU Premier
Designed to equip players & teams with the training necessary to accelerate greatness.
Through personal training, regular opportunities for freestyle play & an exciting Spring and Fall competitive season, our athletes are welcomed into a community of coaches and trainers who share their love of the beautiful game with excitement and advanced training techniques.
iU Premier travel soccer teams represent the club in state and national leagues and at competitive tournaments.
iU Premier offers consistent, year-round player development and the highest level of technical training and competitive play for ages 8-18 (U9 - U18).
iU Premier players are evaluated & invited to compete on these advanced travel teams.
Offering a culture of positivity, holistic development of our young athletes and teams, & an emphasis on technical training that will produce both confidence and success – on & off the pitch.
Soccer leagues for all ages & competitive levels:

Welcome to Inter-United Soccer Club
Promoting a family soccer culture in our community & around the world.
Serving the Florida soccer community since 1997