Players born in 2012 & 2013: U12
Inter-United Soccer Club 6v6 Rules Division: U12
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: SIX players at one time including a goalkeeper in 6v6 soccer. Substitutes may occur at any dead ball situation, but players must get referees’ attention and enter and exit at the half-field mark only.
EQUIPMENT: All players must wear jerseys/shirts during play. All players must wear shin guards, under their socks. Any player without shin guards will not be allowed to play. The ball size is as follows: U12 = Size 4
FIELD DIMENSIONS: Maximum Length - 40 yards, Width - 30 yards.
GOALS & PENALTY BOX: Goal box is 21’ radius (half-circle). The goals are maximum of 6 feet high by 10 feet wide.
GAME DURATION: The game shall consist of: U12 - two 25 min halves separated by a five-minute halftime period. Games tied after regulation play shall end in a tie. There are no timeouts in soccer.
GOAL SCORING: Goals can be scored from anywhere on the offensive half of the field of play. The ball must last be touched (either by offense or defense) within the attacking team's offensive half of the field.
EQUALIZER RULE: If a team is ahead by 4 or more goals, the losing team is allowed to add an extra player until they are within 2 goals. Only 1 extra player shall be added
HEADING: Heading the ball is not allowed for this age group, the consequence is a free kick for the other team at the spot of the foul.
FIVE YARD RULE: In all dead ball situations, defending players must stand at least five (5) yards away from the ball. If the defensive player's goal area is closer than 5 yards, the ball shall be placed 5 yards from the goal area in line with the place of the penalty.
THROW-INS: When one team kicks the ball over the touch line (sideline) the opposing team shall be awarded a throw-in from the spot the ball rolled over the touch line. The team which kicked the ball out must remain five (5) yards away from the point where the ball is to be thrown in. The player throwing the ball in may not touch it again until ANY other player has touched it.
INDIRECT KICKS: All dead ball kicks (free kicks, kick-offs) are indirect with exception of corner and penalty kicks.
- This Rule is intended for “fair play” and to promote playing out of the back.
- There will be no punts or drop kicks made by the goalkeeper. If the keeper punts or drop kicks the ball, then the referee is to stop play and restart at the spot on the ground where the keeper punted it originally and with the opponents behind the build out line. This rule will be treated like a free kick.
- Goalkeepers will only be able to throw the ball, or place it on the ground and kick it. When placed on the ground, the ball cannot be moving.
- The first pass has to be to a teammate inside the Half Line.
- Opponents must stay behind the half line until the 2nd person plays the ball.
- Like a free-kick, the goalkeeper has the option of waiting for the opponents to be behind the Half Line, or take a quick restart. There is no consequence to any player if the ball is lost after a quick restart is played.
- Goal Kicks are taken anywhere inside the goal area and are subject to the Half Line Rules.
GOALKEEPER RULES: There will be no punts or drop-kicks made by the goalkeeper. (See half-line rules above) The six seconds rule will apply. A field player may drop the ball back to the keeper but the keeper can not handle the ball if a player from their team passes to them.
KICK OFF: Must be kicked in the forward direction. Ball cannot be touched twice by the player kicking in. Kick-off is an indirect kick. CONSEQUENCE: Retake kick-off.
PENALTY KICKS: Shall be awarded if, in the referee's opinion, a scoring opportunity was nullified by the infraction. It is a direct kick taken from the PK mark 7 yards from the end line. Penalty kicks are live balls.
PLAYING TIME: Each player shall play a minimum of 50% of the total playing time. The coach will be the main person to keep track of this.
PLAYER EJECTION (RED CARD): Referees have the right to eject a player from the game for continual disobedience or as a result of an incident that warrants sending the player off. The team may then continue with the remaining players on their team. If the ejected player was on the field, he may be replaced by an eligible roster player on the team.
PROTESTS: There will be no protests.
SPORTSMANSHIP: Players, coaches, and spectators are expected to act in the nature of good sportsmanship at all times. Abuse of the referees will not be tolerated. Any instance of such conduct will disqualify the responsible team from the event.